Femoral Neck Fracture

Understanding Your Hip Injury

The femoral neck, situated just below the ball of the hip joint, plays a crucial role in hip function. Fractures in this region can significantly impact mobility and require prompt attention.

Delving into the Condition

The hip, a vital ball-and-socket joint, comprises the femoral head (ball) and the acetabulum (socket). The femoral neck, linking the head to the rest of the femur, is susceptible to fractures that may partially or completely detach the femoral head. These fractures can be displaced, involving a shift in bone position, or non-displaced, where stability remains intact. Severely displaced fractures may compromise blood supply, impeding healing.

Exploring Causes

Femoral neck fractures may result from:

  • Falls or hip twisting, particularly in the elderly
  • Osteoporosis-related bone weakening
  • High-impact traumas like motor accidents
  • Sudden strenuous activity, especially in younger individuals

Identifying Symptoms

  • Signs of a femoral neck fracture include:
  • Pain radiating to the knee
  • Weight-bearing difficulty
  • Leg shortening or sideways rotation
  • Hip pain during leg rotation
  • Hip swelling

Diagnostic Process

Diagnosis entails physical examination, symptom assessment, and accident context evaluation. X-rays are typically ordered, complemented by advanced imaging like MRI or CT scans for detailed insights. Notably, a fractured Shenton’s curve on radiographs can indicate femoral neck fracture.

Treatment Options

Treatment hinges on age and fracture severity. Conservative methods involve brief bed rest followed by tailored rehabilitation. Medications may be prescribed for pain relief, infection control, and clot prevention.

However, due to instability, surgical intervention is often necessary:

  • Hip pinning for minimally displaced fractures stabilizes bones via screw insertion.
  • Partial hip replacement (hemiarthroplasty) replaces the femoral head with a metal implant.
  • Total hip replacement, recommended for pre-existing hip arthritis, replaces both femoral head and socket with artificial implants.

At Michigan Joint Replacement Institute (MJRI), we offer comprehensive care for femoral neck fractures, ensuring optimal recovery and hip function restoration.

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